
Yu-Chi Lai

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Chih-Yuan Yao

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

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A Tool for Stereoscopic Parameter Setting Based on Geometric Perceived Depth Percentage


This study designs geometrical perceived depth percentage (GPDP) to numerate and shade the geometric depth of a scene for a practical solution to visualize the stereoscopic perception without the need of any 3D device or special environment. In addition to the geometric relationship between object depth and focal distance, GPDP further considers the screen width and viewing distance for a more intuitive control metric of stereoscopy when comparing to parallax and disparity. Along with the GPDP-based shading scheme, a stereoscopic comfort volume and depth perception markers can also be defined to form an intuitive auxiliary tool for the manipulation of stereoscopic parameters. These tools are easily implemented into any modern rendering pipeline, including interactive Autodesk Maya and off-line Pixar's RenderMan renderer.


The authors would like to thank M. K. Lin for providing them with the Maya source for study, participants of all user studies, and Digimax, Inc., for their support. This work was also supported by NSC 103-2221-E-011-114-MY2, NSC 103-2218-E-011-014, and NSC101-2628-E-002-031-MY3, Taiwan


Guan, S.-H. and Lai, Y.-C. and Chen, K.-W. and Chou, H.-T. and Chuang, Y.-Y.},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology},
title={A Tool for Stereoscopic Parameter Setting Based on Geometric Perceived Depth Percentage},